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Allah Meherban Hoga. Artist: Gulshan Mohammad. #trending #marriage

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Facebook Definition!

  What’s Facebook! In Word, 'face' means interfaces and 'book'  means 'booking' It means 'Indexing'     So, total meaning is 'Indexing Someone’s facc in a place!  And that is nothing but the Facebook  is a social Network blogging site. It plays an important role in human society and help various community to interact strongly about their eternal peace and needs.        

Facebook Facts: 2-The Nature Changer !!

                        Facebook explores The disdained Natures !! Bangladeshi Young generation has a birth-generated enthusiasm  of media exploring like facebook status, youtube vedio making , facebook vedio making and uploading  etc !! But No One expects from the  the young generations a bed nature like uploading a hijacking vedioes, raping vedioes , stealing vedioes, prostition vedios when themselves indulged with it on the spot !! Very sad news for the whole nation ! Recently some incidents are happened in bangladesh !

FACEBOOK: Loss Of Money !!

                                    Young Generation's Bad Nature!! In Bangladesh, The guardians are not able to control their sons' daily tasks , they take part of fun when the sons went to schools and colleges. Causes are many every body knows worldwide who's ear and eye remain open !! Guardians do not knows their sons uses their hard earned money  are used in 'Net-chat -nettingson"  i,e In Facebook data using purpose and youtube vedio downloads etc where the young generation uses fathers  money not in knowledge gathering purposes,instead of it they use their moneys, tuition  fees in internet data using expenditures which is very bad for the upcoming new generation culture !

Facebook Fact-1 :: Facebook Mania of the Illiterate Public In Bangladesh

                                      Facebook Mania ! There is a common Media is discovered in last  15 years that so called Illiterate people are More  enthusiastic for facebook Networking . Finally, They able to understand  their knowledge scarcity and consciously confess their lack of knowledge for using common idea in facebook  fun personally !!  Observing all side effects, sometime it is  imagined that facebook is not successful in bangladesh!

Enthusiasm Of Facebook of The Students !!

                                            Students of the schools and colleges   In Bangladesh , Students of the schools and colleges are very enthusiastic  for facebook i.e a mobile social networking site where they expect more   fun in place of reading timely, make their home tasks routine measured. But Bangladesh expect a good use of a good  facbooking  not to harming to the students   during their life building time !!

Social influences In Bangladesh ! Multi Side Effects Of facebooking In bangladesh !!

                          Social influences In Bangladesh !           When Mobile Networking is submerges all over the world by  a good ideology,  then Most bangladeshi has taken it as a joking  social  media !! Though the high literates take it a well-wishing  Networking site for the businessman,  Good politicians ,  national news links, vedio links etc

Facebook !!! Facebook!! A magical Touch in life!!

 Now a days Facebook has gotten a lot fame in the young generations!! We cannot think a think as well as a facebook account ID !! Over all, We have a facebook mania like the social communities of the nations of the world ! Nothing is to say more about it !! In bangladesh Facebook has created multi-effects in our social life, In our political life and in personal life !   Mark Elliot Zuckerberg who is an American media magnate, Internet entrepreneur, and philanthropist. He is known for co-founding of  Facebook , Inc.and regarded as the creator of such a hottest social platform like facebook !!

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Facebook for Artists

m  Facebook has a great usefulness on Artists' Lives. Now it’s useless to say that no Artist  can get so expected introducing through other media than by only Facebook support. So Facebook has a great impact on Artist life.  Artist Gulshan on Boomplay  Many Artist remain live on Facebook now as they believe that Audience are mostly curious about their fans.

Facebook for International Information!

 Today it’s useless to say that Facebook has a significant influence on international Informations.So people from different community of different countries get new information on Facebook as a popular social media platform on hand through Mobile phone.  So we can say,  Facebook has a miracle Power of communications man to man all over the World in a short time. 

Facebook for Social Development!

 Facebook in Social Learning!      In Bangladesh, People learn many things such as social awareness, living standards and   upgrading their thoughts about the running lives they have been leading .   In another way, it can described that though their financial position is not so supportable and logical in comparison to Facebook using Expenditure i. e.  Netsurfing expenses,  they eagarly gather the high standards Living style day by day!   This is mostly effecting a community from the root of the life to be developed with worldwide range of knowledge!